Desert Bus 11 Chat Stats generated by pisg

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#desertbus @ stats by VST

Statistics generated on Tuesday 8 November 2022 - 23:07:04
During this 11-day reporting period, a total of 9581 different nicks were represented on #desertbus.

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Number of WordsWords per lineChars per lineLast seenRandom quote
1 skyboss19967906916972707 526379016972707 200643.821.2today"Bus on, Desert Bus. Bus on. <3"
2 digitalseahorse48150621612027 517548150621612027 222854.326.4today"kstarkLoaf *puts purring kitty on Serge's leg"
3 txc218142381899 509418142381899 204874.021.7today"ken "ALL THE VALUE, ALL OF IT! " Steacy"
4 tim1986213832972652435 438013832972652435 86192.08.9today"<3 <3 <3 Paul <3 <3 <3"
5 rockpusher62148115011717 432062148115011717 165003.828.2today"Spackleninja jamieCare"
6 anubis16986113201749306 423686113201749306 170824.026.9today"travLIGHT travLIGHT travLIGHT travLIGHT travLIGHT"
7 contingentcat39077311781599 394039077311781599 160574.123.5today"lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN"
8 cantwearhats11429271406364 383911429271406364 197815.231.8today"wooooooooow"
9 mrlueshi11231462903 354011231462903 96522.713.8yesterday"not quite mr.white"
10 admiralmemo103728311301020 3470103728311301020 205385.934.1today"GET IN THE SEA! OF OUR TEARS OF JOY!"
11 azninsect11012526971287 333711012526971287 126443.822.7today"I just came back to that XD"
12 zeldazach2122618271734 30342122618271734 149864.923.2today"Come join us on IRC at for year long desert bus :D :D :D"
13 t3h_f1gm3nt19150411021170 296719150411021170 130534.424.5today"CRASH THAT BUS"
14 mtvcdm2619405551160 29162619405551160 237728.245.6today"Stinger incoming!"
15 eternaldensity2961888551435 27742961888551435 169436.133.1today"650,250! can we get perma-wingding next year for that?"
16 the_living_gale11582281491014 254911582281491014 100683.925.3today"AS IS TRADITION"
17 elementalalchemist336405765994 2500336405765994 190527.642.9today"The offline image I don't know about. That might be longer since they probably have to make another graphic or something"
18 phoenixmelior855907732 2498855907732 128395.127.2today"Stop lrrDOTS"
19 foxmar3205541342591 24875541342591 88443.617.2today"Ok just breaking out the ban hammer."
20 featuringme311751846536 2444311751846536 152756.234.8today"Random Dance Perfect!"
21 northernlightning157465959848 2429157465959848 80473.316.8today"what a wonderful experience this all was <3 <3"
22 raicx222702611843 2378222702611843 134085.638.9today"Red 5, standing by!"
23 ky0dar788164531880 2363788164531880 121505.127.6today"THANK YOU JAMES"
24 kidror724388285920 2317724388285920 115835.029.2today"Site Volunteers! kstarkHeart kstarkHeart"
25 telnaior1013140182914 22491013140182914 116555.228.1today""
26 ndrofox342729763310 2144342729763310 162087.642.9today"Hahahahahahahahaha"
27 tastylaksa547443291837 2118547443291837 108655.127.1today"that dude wins everything!"
28 mr_horrible289286760721 2056289286760721 131766.437.6today"lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN"
29 irrehensibletj391672939 2027391672939 101515.026.3yesterday"omega has occured"
30 potatogangsta260112834793 1999260112834793 79514.026.6today"@Mewyabby I did, and I gave up on that stat early on. I got the lrrBEEJ tho"
31 the_ocean_who_subbed21958623976 187621958623976 118476.335.3today"GUYS BREAKING NEWS"
32 karfsma778630166332737 1865630166332737 137767.440.8today"Please kill us with the tears"
33 roedent89520670478168 1836520670478168 100985.529.3today"Perfect ending!"
34 mungodude667255166701 1789667255166701 116176.537.8today"lrrHEART VoxLunch"
35 tacitusvigil73010462852 174873010462852 107406.135.7today"11 or 12 PST I think"
36 lonelytex740199441358 1738740199441358 64853.725.9today"Yay VST for getting the final busdown on"
37 arrestedhouse124383656543 1706124383656543 40962.414.1today"kstarkHeart kstarkHeart kstarkHeart"
38 8_bit_unicorn208270486625 1589208270486625 32072.012.3today"lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART"
39 ferretbadger84359677547 1588359677547 51213.222.0yesterday"YES MY GRAPEKEEPER"
40 dix152109461854 1576152109461854 78455.027.7today"lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN"
41 kirserella484451549 153148445154947 83265.428.3today"Those bricks are thicccc"
42 tehamelie75421386648 153075421386648 119967.845.6today"
43 moonwhing451136302609 1498451136302609 35212.49.9today"Cori <3 <3 <3"
44 r10pez1064581492279 149764581492279 64784.323.4today"how many so far?"
45 tehwkd428539436 1429428539436 4737733.2163.9today"Posters, Pins, Playmats & Photo books! Many P's for you to buy!"
46 btetta120533613156 1422120533613156 81355.739.0today""
47 alahmnat279184356587 1406279184356587 61364.423.4today"IT’S THE FINAL BUSDON"
48 haaaarderdaddy144139494621 1398144139494621 54793.923.2today"lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART"
49 wolfexuk57358615362 139257358615362 42243.016.8today"Goodbye all, take care of yourselves. Much love <3"
50 mewyabby233475669 1386233475669 91476.642.5today"lrrHEART Ashley you were amazing lrrHEART"
51 grgriffin32921038 13642921038 52843.921.3yesterday"KENNY GOT THERE"
52 aahsomethinggreen61103294880 133861103294880 82336.234.0today"Ahhhh, here we go <3"
53 mythdom378720173 131948378720173 46203.519.4yesterday"Super secret caller"
54 gaianluck256314146579 1295256314146579 66065.127.8today"What if they got another hour right now"
55 vmkid151251877 1288151251877 74345.831.5today"gibeLove lrrHEART <3"
56 evil_smurf543418281 128354341418281 50633.922.0today"I wake up to 500k? nice"
57 symphoniclolita78129403667 127778129403667 43373.416.8today"last time for the road"
58 f1shor418127244442 1231418127244442 69915.738.9today"Cams still here in spirit unarmeHmm unarmeHmm"
59 medras_13148221333527 1229148221333527 66405.429.5today"o7 Engineering!"
60 paunfar97386379357 121997386379357 70395.831.7today"I am absolutely crying"
61 dmc3628157243774 120935157243774 68905.729.6today"Speechjammed Grapekeeper"
62 mister_foxhound250393361204 1208250393361204 44733.719.2today"thank you Colin with a k"
63 darkergalahad369217589 1202369217589 47173.920.1today"WOO go them"
64 edgarware53210463473 119953210463473 36703.116.8today"<3 G Money <3"
65 sarah_serinde56115515507 119356115515507 1212210.257.5today"Alchemistmerlin lrrHEART"
66 ashiok_nightmare_beaver51318289405 118951318289405 47864.021.2yesterday"what the DEAL with OMEGA SHIFT?"
67 shoeboxwarrior375262513 118030375262513 50314.322.1today"CRASH THAT BUS"
68 lord_hosk116195408453 1172116195408453 106879.147.7yesterday"JZ1011 they all count in amounts of $5 or more"
69 plummeting_sloth316277564 1159316277564 80286.937.6today"thank goodness for safe harbor"
70 theonlyangelx602116426 1150602116426 43913.822.2today"just a cool 650000"
71 jlhonors103110274640 1127103110274640 41233.719.1today"<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3"
72 i_am_clockwork241156347381 1125241156347381 47294.221.9today"i am crying. this is litterally my favorite thing"
73 cyclopsboi70204399451 112470204399451 51764.625.7today"Comms was amazing"
74 cairistiona1395483534 111295483534 59425.329.2yesterday""that's right, sithrak hates you""
75 somebodynowhere181220159518 1078181220159518 39893.719.3today"better thank bucan bucan"
76 the_lone_bard202111227524 1064202111227524 1479513.975.5today"You've beaten DB8. That was 637k."
77 magistermystax31036530366 104431036530366 59515.730.5today"We've made 70k since the start of this giveaway!"
78 frustbox267254365149 1035267254365149 54135.233.5today"jamieCare Comms jamieCare"
79 tams92105148782 1035105148782 63166.134.8today"CONGRATZ GUYS!"
80 gentlekayden100086186522232 102686186522232 30873.016.3today"SPAM THE BUTTON"
81 jace250213326230 1019250213326230 63736.339.2today"Shredder had his cameras / Shredder had his cameras / In the city, in the city"
82 inkfacefahz167164365314 1010167164365314 1285812.769.3today"sorry, caps there, bit whatta deep cut"
83 raurrrrr263171307264 1005263171307264 45464.539.7today"3 minutes, 5 k"
84 chakatlunar131309516 99842131309516 43594.423.9today"I can hear my SO twitching from here xD"
85 wartjr2373186344411 99150186344411 55415.630.3today"Fire danger"
86 targe098206341345 99098206341345 58105.939.2today"Wait for it..... Wait for it...."
87 wulf_95146247412176 981146247412176 34933.619.5yesterday"They're holding Lele hostage"
88 gcu_ofcourseistillloveyou182139611 98118249139611 1028910.555.6today"why on earth did fugi add it now instead of five days ago"
89 the_allspice3689484434 9803689484434 61546.333.9today"MYSTERY THAT BOX"
90 bumbleer391202383 978391202383 36003.719.13 days ago"a hush fell over the room"
91 rrtycoon298117386365 96698117386365 57696.032.3today"Chroma WHY?"
92 stellapacifica77183468234 96277183468234 62796.535.3today"Alright, night all. Have a good one, see you on the Discord and such. lrrHEART"
93 emonotony262426273 961262426273 91349.556.2yesterday"Engineering how about that Joco song?"
94 feminine_desires38066164335 94538066164335 75888.054.0today""
95 mrsblakeway37860500 93837860500 33213.518.9today"<3 Cam, wherever you are"
96 emu_on_the_loose171168296302 937171168296302 50005.329.5today"$3,800 till we beat DB8!"
97 earthenone83181413256 93383181413256 43784.724.7today"my money was on going to the bar, to meet sailors"
98 undertowst89156332352 92989156332352 85179.252.6today"Do we also get Serge's thing of glitter?"
99 oakentree309185164269 927309185164269 64547.037.2today"oof base vst"
100 elfarcher7326775322260 92426775322260 26642.914.04 days ago"engage the deus ex machina!"

These didn't make it to the top:
neddyseagoon (922) tajessa (910) gdwarf (908) theburningfist (896) bigmikedog (889)
anonynym (880) kramburger (880) godempressleracosthefifth (871) zyme86 (868) pyredynasty (862)
finalsora811 (859) pariah164 (855) meowmeowkapow (838) hippitybobbity (835) agilemania (829)
tempest2097 (829) itazu (823) gsyhiap (813) beowuuf (811) wertler (810)
drfox17 (802) camthelion (798) sektor88 (794) nimrodxiv (794) lysander_gustav (792)
carbonylcookie (790) thatdesiree (788) gameslayer013 (782) ace_d_roses (775) darth_wooper (774)
firefuryamahira (768) smoke_knight (746) dbvideostriketeam (742) busted (731) nokiademon (724)
insaif (722) izandai (719) taramorrigan (718) nexusvoxx (714) schalakitty (713)
nightvalien28 (713) kroze (712) eleventhocean (709) themoatman (708) justwhatever_idk (707)
jyggalag35 (705) robo4900 (702) armadilloal (692) omega_lairon (682) angryoptimist (679)
exhaustedelox (678) dallasthedjt (678) hanrat (673) shadowxviii (671) laurence72 (668)
awesomemp8 (659) 6000j (656) anaerin (646) tahkibk (641) kiwijelly (641)
dedsoon (639) dandinstorm12 (639) nymo (628) dedwrekka (628) emberbecky (627)
terminalvelocit3 (626) korvys (622) feltic (622) argentumflare (618) herpty_derp (615)
viinnaa (615) significant_otter2 (611) varmintx0 (610) timbrepanic (608) dared00 (608)
desertbusupdates (607) impy_thepainter (604) hotliquidjello (602) thewanderingnomad (601) gamerlink5 (598)
ocelotonabus (597) dainbread (597) bidbot (591) tenthtechpriest (589) ekimekim (589)
paranundrox (587) shadree (586) tk_thats_me (584) alonsoswift (581) captainrasputin (580)
amative1 (578) moonlightmirage (577) salgexicon (575) suffix (569) jimrabbit (567)
aard_spoop (565) redhelveticacake (565) sati90 (564) mangledpixel (559) splash4mirrodin (558)
psychoi3oy (556) solangel777 (556) lonedovahkiin (555) richardmcsundy (552) arclight_dynamo (549)
niallsb (548) j4y_4ndy (548) frankenfruity (546) johnlockecole (546) defrost (543)
slyguy46 (542) frodonl (541) bubblyoasis (539) bravekingmax (535) psychic_ketchup (528)
vee_prime (525) thorsokar (522) chaosinfest (520) mastershake29x (517) viewers_like_you (508)
adi_pie (507) pteraspidomorphi (507) halfaringcircus (501) the_powerful_2 (500) avayu (497)
kivipaperisakset (496) piggy_sama (494) wildy135 (490) leonhart321 (490) cuttlefishman (486)
butterflymacree (483) remoravox (481) efhan (481) grayalchemyst (480) rocketgirl523 (480)
valosinki (479) traion (477) wildpeaks (477) timeschu (477) kanekid (474)
nefarious_ned (470) caffeinatedlemur (470) delta__vee (468) the_passerby (468) asddsa28 (467)
chimingfish (466) cosmicducttape (463) jillexie (463) rhynerd (462) pedrodamoth (461)
epicphoton (460) robertmerlow (456) n_mandrag (454) beanieman86 (453) huschel23 (452)
jigokuro (451) dewman001 (450) tallblondepillager (449) spo_0n (447) rendelnep (446)
mattmitchell45 (445) r3clipse (443) rebel_katx (443) charlesgorillionaire (440) alness49 (436)
eostby (435) turtlezbug (432) royalfuel (431) whenwearebothcats (430) evandill (430)
aussieguy_88 (428) aenir798 (426) obstreperousoctopus (426) kraest (425) nathanlonghair (424)
scarbble (423) crazymax46 (422) tezzatipoca (422) rockario (420) pagglywaggly (417)
serifina (416) ravynn (415) nuthouse01 (414) vanillabean0809 (413) eetlotsgloo (413)
anyapants (412) craftyskwrl (412) deftscythe (412) vanbael (411) sharpcookies (411)
ptwitchc (411) mercano82 (411) kamoricks (410) xizorargus (408) theothertrevor (407)
firehazard_k (406) senseamidstmadness (404) rebelliousuno (400) anarki100 (398) mew4ever23 (398)

By the way, there were 9281 other nicks.

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 txc2 - 1814 txc2 - 2381 digitalseahorse - 2161 skyboss1996 - 2707
2 tim19862 - 1383 mrlueshi - 1462 anubis169 - 1749 tim19862 - 2435
3 the_living_gale - 1158 anubis169 - 1320 skyboss1996 - 1697 digitalseahorse - 2027
4 cantwearhats - 1142 mtvcdm - 940 rockpusher - 1501 zeldazach - 1734
5 mrlueshi - 1123 cantwearhats - 927 cantwearhats - 1406 rockpusher - 1717
6 azninsect - 1101 phoenixmelior - 855 foxmar320 - 1342 contingentcat - 1599
7 admiralmemo - 1037 contingentcat - 773 contingentcat - 1178 eternaldensity - 1435
8 telnaior - 1013 featuringme - 751 admiralmemo - 1130 azninsect - 1287
9 anubis169 - 861 ndrofox - 729 t3h_f1gm3nt - 1102 t3h_f1gm3nt - 1170
10 skyboss1996 - 790 raicx - 702 northernlightning - 959 mtvcdm - 1160
11 ky0dar - 788 roedent89 - 670 phoenixmelior - 907 grgriffin3 - 1038
12 lonelytex - 740 foxmar320 - 554 txc2 - 899 admiralmemo - 1020
13 tacitusvigil - 730 tehwkd - 539 eternaldensity - 855 the_living_gale - 1014
14 kidror - 724 btetta - 533 featuringme - 846 elementalalchemist - 994
15 mungodude - 667 digitalseahorse - 506 potatogangsta - 834 the_ocean_who_subbed - 976
16 r10pez10 - 645 t3h_f1gm3nt - 504 zeldazach - 827 irrehensibletj - 939
17 karfsma778 - 630 cairistiona13 - 483 elementalalchemist - 765 kidror - 920
18 rockpusher - 621 rockpusher - 481 ndrofox - 763 telnaior - 914
19 theonlyangelx - 602 northernlightning - 465 mr_horrible - 760 mrlueshi - 903
20 tajessa - 549 kirserella - 451 mythdom - 720 ky0dar - 880
21 tastylaksa - 547 tastylaksa - 443 azninsect - 697 aahsomethinggreen - 880
22 evil_smurf - 543 tehamelie - 421 ferretbadger84 - 677 vmkid - 877
23 roedent89 - 520 elementalalchemist - 405 irrehensibletj - 672 dix - 854
24 ashiok_nightmare_beaver - 513 mister_foxhound - 393 arrestedhouse - 656 tacitusvigil - 852
25 godempressleracosthefifth - 506 irrehensibletj - 391 the_ocean_who_subbed - 623 northernlightning - 848
26 kirserella - 484 kidror - 388 wolfexuk - 615 raicx - 843
27 digitalseahorse - 481 paunfar - 386 btetta - 613 tastylaksa - 837
28 moonwhing - 451 arrestedhouse - 383 raicx - 611 potatogangsta - 793
29 jyggalag35 - 434 mythdom - 378 mtvcdm - 555 tams92 - 782
30 tehwkd - 428 shoeboxwarrior - 375 kirserella - 549 dmc3628 - 774
31 f1shor - 418 magistermystax - 365 cairistiona13 - 534 karfsma778 - 737
32 neddyseagoon - 401 ferretbadger84 - 359 ky0dar - 531 phoenixmelior - 732
33 bumbleer - 391 wolfexuk - 358 gentlekayden1000 - 522 mr_horrible - 721
34 contingentcat - 390 plummeting_sloth - 316 sarah_serinde - 515 mungodude - 701
35 finalsora811 - 385 gaianluck - 314 haaaarderdaddy - 494 mewyabby - 669
36 feminine_desires - 380 redhelveticacake - 307 r10pez10 - 492 symphoniclolita - 667
37 mrsblakeway - 378 pyredynasty - 302 8_bit_unicorn - 486 tehamelie - 648
38 darkergalahad - 369 tim19862 - 297 roedent89 - 478 jlhonors - 640
39 the_allspice - 368 splash4mirrodin - 292 mewyabby - 475 8_bit_unicorn - 625
40 gdwarf - 355 mr_horrible - 286 stellapacifica - 468 haaaarderdaddy - 621
41 bigmikedog - 355 admiralmemo - 283 edgarware - 463 gcu_ofcourseistillloveyou - 611
42 ndrofox - 342 hippitybobbity - 282 dix - 461 moonwhing - 609
43 elementalalchemist - 336 mangledpixel - 272 gameslayer013 - 456 lysander_gustav - 594
44 shadree - 328 8_bit_unicorn - 270 lonelytex - 441 foxmar320 - 591
45 featuringme - 311 beowuuf - 263 emonotony - 426 darkergalahad - 589
46 magistermystax - 310 emonotony - 262 evil_smurf - 418 alahmnat - 587
47 oakentree - 309 zeldazach - 261 earthenone - 413 gaianluck - 579
48 eternaldensity - 296 varmintx0 - 256 tempest2097 - 412 plummeting_sloth - 564
49 mr_horrible - 289 armadilloal - 256 wulf_95 - 412 ferretbadger84 - 547
50 hippitybobbity - 287 caffeinatedlemur - 255 lord_hosk - 408 arrestedhouse - 543

Big numbers
Is dbvideostriketeam stupid or just asking too many questions? 52.3% lines contained a question!
taztheman24 didn't know that much either. 44.9% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was bidbot, who yelled 100.0% of the time!
Another old yeller was treegamer35, who shouted 81.1% of the time!
It seems that adamantcheese's shift-key is hanging: 62.8% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <adamantcheese> Z E T A S H I F T

reppukan just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 58.3% of the time.
mungodude is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 8 times.
For example, like this:
     * mungodude slaps Coriander around a bit with a large trout

n_mandrag can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 1 times.
Poor cantwearhats, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 5 times.
For example, like this:
     * mungodude slaps CantWearHats around a bit with a large trout

Coriander seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 1 times.
zeldazach brings happiness to the world. 32.9% lines contained smiling faces. :)
shifudaxiongmao isn't a sad person either, smiling 32.5% of the time.
sparrowsdinner seems to be sad at the moment: 9.0% lines contained sad faces. :(
gloryseer is also a sad person, crying 6.8% of the time.
desertbusupdates wrote the longest lines, averaging 215.7 letters per line.
#desertbus average was 31.0 letters per line.
glassstark wrote the shortest lines, averaging 6.0 characters per line.
pazzer99 was tight-lipped, too, averaging 7.8 characters.
tehwkd spoke a total of 47377 words!
tehwkd's faithful follower, mtvcdm, didn't speak so much: 23772 words.
50_shades_of_ham wrote an average of 87.00 words per line.
Channel average was 5.55 words per line.

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 lrrHEART 25102 mjihde
2 lrrHORN 22057 potatogangsta
3 kstarkHeart 7654 rockpusher
4 benginHeart 7353 lonelytex
5 there 7151 omthebox
6 Desert 6755 jivjov
7 about 5957 vanillabean0809
8 think 4710 jivjov
9 Graham 4472 kidror
10 RIGHT 4447 digitalseahorse
11 would 4273 nyc84
12 kstarkNice 4171 drfromage
13 steacy 4017 oakentree
14 SHIFT 3913 branston567
15 really 3903 kroze
16 people 3887 omthebox
17 going 3862 digitalseahorse
18 Serge 3789 maladictem
19 still 3779 didero
20 great 3743 omthebox

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 kate 2221 kiwijelly
2 andrew 1726 armadilloal
3 dix 1086 thorsokar
4 ashton 849 kivipaperisakset
5 fugi 785 tacitusvigil
6 cantwearhats 306 psychoi3oy
7 leels 304 armadilloal
8 kroze 276 ekimekim
9 bengineering 243 featuringme
10 admiralmemo 166 mungodude
11 cyclopsboi 147 meowmeowkapow
12 area 140 terminalvelocit3
13 zeldazach 134 digitalseahorse
14 anubis169 129 pete_simpson
15 loadingreadyrun 114 omthebox
16 lord_hosk 112 psychoi3oy
17 sarah_serinde 110 traion
18 elementalalchemist 110 mrphlip
19 txc2 109 crad0k
20 jace 102 fadedoverseer

Smileys :-)
 Smiley Number of Uses Last Used by
1 :D 4730 digitalseahorse
2 :P 3085 malc
3 :) 2727 craftyskwrl
4 :( 1362 ashnon76
5 D: 578 zeldazach
6 ;) 559 tacitusvigil
7 :p 402 feminine_desires
8 :-) 256 fatal_spatula
9 :/ 255 appleshyjedi
10 \o/ 247 lionbeastbay
11 :-D 175 jotunngirl91
12 ;_; 71 medras_13
13 ;P 60 kroze
14 (: 53 irrehensibletj
15 T_T 43 xenopenumbra
16 -_- 42 madaran87
17 ;D 38 kroze
18 :-( 37 aquarionics
19 :-P 32 admiralmemo
20 ): 30 sekunder

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 173 ka13b
2 168 tehwkd
3 144 dbvideostriketeam
4 139 dbvideostriketeam
5 128 shmuel510
6 95 bubba0077
7 77 targe0
8 70 desertbusupdates
9 68 tehwkd
10 64 desertbusupdates
11 63 targe0
12 50 raicx
13 48 feminine_desires
14 45 sniperpumpkin
15 44 thorsokar
16 43 meowmeowkapow
17 43 noy2222
18 39 jace
19 38 desertbusupdates
20 38 feminine_desires

Other interesting numbers
Nice opers here, no one got kicked!
Strange, no op was given on #desertbus!
Wow, no op was taken on #desertbus!
Strange, no halfop was given on #desertbus!
Wow, no halfop was taken on #desertbus!
Strange, no voices were given on #desertbus!
No voices were taken on #desertbus!
digitalseahorse always lets us know what he/she's doing: 322 actions!
For example, like this:
     * digitalseahorse likes hexchat better now cause it never asks for update and doesn't ask for payment either

Also, anubis169 tells us what's up with 265 actions.
i_am_clockwork talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 2 times!
Another lonely one was t3h_f1gm3nt, who managed to hit 1 times.
rasmithuk couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 64 joins during this reporting period!
saltytyphoon has quite a potty mouth. 2.1% words were foul language.
stevengr123 also makes sailors blush, 1.9% of the time.
Total number of lines: 583539.

Stats generated by pisg v0.73
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 00 minutes and 48 seconds