Desert Bus 3 Chat Stats generated by pisg

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#desert-bus-drivercam @ stats by VST

Statistics generated on Tuesday 8 November 2022 - 22:54:44
During this 9-day reporting period, a total of 5717 different nicks were represented on #desert-bus-drivercam.

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Number of WordsWords per lineChars per lineLast seenRandom quote
1 badgersprite113212392712 5127113212392712 307016.031.1yesterday"that's too rich for my blood. XP"
2 AeroCmdr74975910651065 363874975910651065 233866.432.7yesterday"for next year yes"
3 Machalllewis12931094197 258412931094197 142025.528.8yesterday""
4 Kroze807341755550 2453807341755550 227329.355.8today"IF YOU WANNA JOIN THE LOADING READY RUN IRC CHANNEL, COME TO SERVER CHANNEL #loadingreadyrun FOR ALL THE HOT LRR ACTION!!!!!!"
5 Nevrmore5911175390175 23315911175390175 178407.741.3yesterday"GOB'S ABOUT TO USE SOME MAGIC"
6 cerulgalactus936353381600 2270936353381600 107394.724.4yesterday"Morgan wants your seconds"
7 Snowfire584001137634 2229584001137634 105694.725.0yesterday"AND I WILL BE OFFERING LRR CREW CLONES FOR SALE NEXT DESERT BUS!!!"
8 Haneburge97455563954 206997455563954 110365.326.0yesterday"crash!!!!!!!!"
9 Abcxyq4105901012 20124105901012 72253.619.4yesterday"GRAHAM IS A TERRORIST"
10 UberTaco2081183248328 19672081183248328 96344.926.3yesterday"Is it wrong that I'm very much looking forward to the Astroboy movie?"
11 ojii350701469424 1944350701469424 108795.632.0yesterday"noone believes LRR :D"
12 empath115778695336 1924115778695336 126516.636.22 days ago"sucks for you, Loki ;)"
13 ZedAlpha61591587595 183461591587595 104925.730.9yesterday"Bye, guys! Have a nice day and Happy Thanksgiving!"
14 Hileict203761594210 1768203761594210 85914.926.4yesterday"Graham is epic Billy Mays"
15 tak197298298395724 1715298298395724 126297.439.5yesterday"I have to go get ready to travel to Grandma's for Thanksgiving dinner. I hope you all have a great holiday. DESERT BUS LOVE FOR ALL Y'ALL!!!!!!"
16 Yadda266406602426 1700266406602426 152419.048.2yesterday"I can't enter the lrr chat"
17 AdmiralAlibi291528776 1622291528776 88265.437.5yesterday"ALEX DANCING = THE BEST"
18 Lorithad87563208349 149587563208349 118417.942.1yesterday"he's value added for a reason"
19 LuckieDuckie195300401585 1481195300401585 63624.323.0yesterday"twitter for allowing us to spam link so much"
20 strangejet726421106211 1464726421106211 63814.424.2yesterday"we love you kroze"
21 roguedarkjedi49769324560 145049769324560 50573.519.0yesterday"Aki: Matt has"
22 Piggysama20864548579 139920864548579 91096.534.8yesterday"DEAR LRR: CHAT IS VERY APPOINT"
23 alexanderditto355419565 138142355419565 76475.529.9yesterday"TO THE CHILDREN! WE ARE A POINT!"
24 annemjw9242986573 13609242986573 64104.724.3yesterday"or will you do that in overtime?"
25 iamafish5842175657 12925842175657 74815.830.6yesterday"good luck getting to 100k"
26 tancillaro464220553 128144464220553 68955.427.9yesterday"YOU ARE CREATOR OF ALL AWESOME!"
27 HaudNomen175262330481 1248175262330481 90217.242.3yesterday"Goodbye, bus. We hardly knew ye..."
28 OnyxOblivion205721284 1241205721284 68925.629.8yesterday"ITS THE FINAL BUSDOWN!"
29 Doxcology220949 123637220949 46233.719.6yesterday"I only knew about this from the Escapist"
30 Checky_Girl116637479 1232116637479 75776.234.8yesterday"What's going on? My internet crashed. Did something happenafter they turned fof teh mic"
31 wartjr2373181252339414 1186181252339414 112589.553.4yesterday"that brown shirt guy has an awesome grin"
32 UndyingReaver289464381 1155289464381 56224.925.4yesterday"and no octo yet"
33 genghisares527196380 115152719648380 60105.226.4yesterday"BUS CRASHED"
34 RadNewt90687364 114390687364 67035.931.9yesterday"Okay, now I'm quiet"
35 CapitainJay387510243 1140387510243 91888.143.1yesterday"Oh <censored> you"
36 lazylantern11626567680 112811626567680 69286.131.8yesterday"matt, to show my support to you, I decided to read the Twilight saga"
37 gameking21898122398507 112598122398507 78076.936.42 days ago"Without Octopimp, will we be able to finsish Desert Bus? Tune in next time, on DESERT BUS!"
38 TomBrend141376588 1124141376588 73906.647.9yesterday"46010... everything on the internet does...."
39 Kreachure515293289 1107515293289 67116.135.1yesterday"2100 VIEWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
40 vaughn59184843 108659184843 61055.631.0yesterday"OR you could go watch/listen to every LRR podcast, if you havent yet."
41 kanimara98199289477 106398199289477 54475.127.2yesterday"hmm i remember watching this vid last year."
42 RvLeshrac26559166572 106226559166572 87978.348.6yesterday"gears102: Nope."
43 EchoFox17150032157 104917150032157 70296.737.4yesterday"Solid Effort, LRR."
44 iwashere3336046187130 103836046187130 76207.337.3yesterday"anyone want to DDOS"
45 LokiCDK147382236272 1037147382236272 78057.540.3yesterday"I must leave"
46 cooldaddy385517429 103185517429 34663.416.6yesterday"DRAGONBALL REFERRENCE"
47 JoshTheater291195259285 1030291195259285 92188.947.6yesterday"KROZE YOU'RE WANTED"
48 LordNodge413567 102845413567 42844.222.2yesterday"BUS HAS STOPPED"
49 Shikkakku143369511 1023143369511 29362.915.9yesterday"SLEEP IS WHERE YOU CLOSE YOUR EYES"
50 Dudeio405366195 101240536619546 71157.036.52 days ago"DUDE, PAul are you talking about Second life?????!?!?!?!?!?!"
51 anydayhappyday455225288 100045522532288 50095.027.2yesterday"Professor Layton is awesome!"
52 MrMoldy221304156318 999221304156318 43984.422.4yesterday"My prize pack"
53 thezeus1894352550 99694352550 38673.921.7yesterday"Eight bucks."
54 epocalypse290223446 98627290223446 74707.642.4yesterday"ooo i should add the ban hammer to the psoter!"
55 Kara502238205 98650241238205 50865.226.9yesterday"Yeah, without Octopimp there's no smacktalking too."
56 King_Kool61238285396 98061238285396 65536.737.0yesterday"Octopimp is listed as a supporting player to LRR on the Wikipedia."
57 TPRJones56218237468 97956218237468 1152711.864.3yesterday"It would be better if the HUD had the text line retracted!"
58 CaptainFish184263521 973184263521 54025.629.12 days ago"It's extremely helpful"
59 pikminfan138288525 956138288525 38044.020.5yesterday"is it safe?"
60 ZackO165500287 952165500287 42414.524.8yesterday"awsdrfghjmnbikml,;"
61 TyeDyeSky275207441 946275207441 42024.422.9yesterday"lmao that was just epic"
62 CtMolloy28234277238 93928234277238 35703.822.2yesterday"GOOD BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"
63 KlausVonNomnom96398268166 92896398268166 45204.924.5yesterday"learn to pay attention"
64 SilentSwordsman92224596 91292224596 49965.528.3yesterday"Way to go guys"
65 T_Dawg15379284391 90715379284391 43624.827.1yesterday"FINAL BREAKDOWN!"
66 commanderkeen411218113159 901411218113159 51035.730.9yesterday"Lets get Desertbus trending!"
67 Cybren310122433 89731012232433 71718.042.92 days ago"kathleen is the least nerdy, she does physical activity"
68 Garetjax777340189345 880340189345 51285.832.22 days ago"OCTOPIMP CALL IN"
69 tfaironpirate143339390 876143339390 51135.830.8yesterday"CHILDREN ARE SO APPOINT RIGHT NOW"
70 UndeadYeti307261300 868307261300 59686.937.4yesterday"Are you kidding? To the chidren, you guys are 17 points!"
71 yadaman142311366 86647142311366 62157.238.43 days ago"NERDY CHICKS FOR THE WIN"
72 BJuarez35227590146 86335227590146 41764.826.4yesterday"12:30 Eastern"
73 WallKick63013795 86263013795 33143.820.4yesterday"If roughly a sixth of us donates a dollar..."
74 rendelnep35785165243 85035785165243 38244.523.4yesterday"i found the french south antarctic islands at 19,000 km"
75 ungabunga555474368 843474368 22582.715.32 days ago"97K!!!!!!!!!"
76 Asellus417264139 839417264139 62367.440.3yesterday"And perhaps more useful for certain applications. Hmm..."
77 Icefall192111257262 822192111257262 43585.328.5yesterday"thanks for allowing us into your moonbase for the past 5 days, LRR <3"
78 Veritasiness104371340 815104371340 43955.428.24 days ago"You shall be off!"
79 Nima555691268399 8145691268399 22962.813.44 days ago"DEPUIS MATERNELLE"
80 mew4ever23196148464 808196148464 42185.227.1yesterday"Dear Dr. Matt, What is your WoW characters name, and what server can I find you on?"
81 s0ss193130162322 807193130162322 38894.824.9yesterday"Dear Dr LRR: IS IT SAAAAAFEE?"
82 aburnflags383156241 80638326156241 48726.029.8yesterday"wait, why am i still here"
83 CaptFish219212185183 799219212185183 49966.332.5yesterday"JUDGE DREDD"
84 Helbent_Revenge6291144501 7986291144501 24363.115.3yesterday"wtf is Starbull?"
85 Skamakazi364161218 79047364161218 59577.539.9yesterday"Desertbus killed the internet."
86 johnnydethmatch117145188340 790117145188340 51686.533.73 days ago"WHAT DO YOU CALL A DRUMMER WITHOUT A GIRLFRIEND? --- HOMELESS!!"
87 Quest344270165 788344270165 51496.534.6yesterday"Dear LRR will you sing a ACDC song (your choice) for $30?"
88 Kirkygirl90657 7842190657 30653.921.22 days ago"much love to chemistring!"
89 Genovation196531 78248196531 30143.920.22 days ago"oooooook, calm down Jer"
90 madAlric183159202233 777183159202233 41695.429.3yesterday"I'll be on the LRR forums"
91 mrv32164334324 7696433432447 52056.834.3yesterday"Get desert bus trending"
92 meur123496247401 76296247401 46946.232.2yesterday"we love you octopimp."
93 TalecArashi142250346 76014222250346 25453.317.1yesterday"BUT CONFUSE RAY IS A NORMAL-TYPE ATTACK"
94 TropicalBus160245353 758160245353 37935.027.1yesterday"I BID THREE INSANITIES!"
95 Glutnix433162128 75143328162128 43975.931.4yesterday"CALL OCTOPIMP, we want to hear him talk!"
96 Fightgarr250175276 74948250175276 45936.133.3yesterday"MORGAN! YELL SPACE JUMP!"
97 Octopimp277139307 74827713925307 36314.924.5yesterday"5 or 5 THOUSAND"
98 Elaro300169247 74730031169247 32104.323.9yesterday"Silence is golden, after all."
99 Seraphroy88216441 74788216441 51126.835.82 days ago"Oh snap Matt!"
100 Dutch_Guy152232199159 742152232199159 54107.338.6yesterday"Dear Paul, I get a Database Error on the desertbus site, this does not seem like normal overloading :-S"

These didn't make it to the top:
NVR (741) MrTiddlywinks (740) DerpoFrito (738) Right_Bower (730) tzbeck (722)
theduckthief (720) andimack (717) tentaclemplod (715) Mercsenary (710) Aki (705)
Versipellis (700) Evil_Jim (697) Sen0r_Awes0me (692) CptObvious17 (684) kkief02 (682)
clawmaster2 (680) Nymo (679) ChildRorshach (675) doomchinchilla (673) bawkbawkboo8450 (671)
Reimu (668) LokiSD (668) Kyogissun (664) Ubermore (660) Tr1sh4Lynn (655)
Velkyn (654) maealoril (652) sauter (652) Littleman64 (644) Sportyboard (643)
Chemistring (641) DoctorRobert (641) Keith_K (630) Hifin (629) Drant (626)
Tauntaun (625) the_bear (624) Suffix (621) Orannis (616) FaultyNeonGlow (609)
AllenLRR (598) razord (598) MrKitka (598) omegatheta (596) luinie (588)
AgentMonkfish (585) UberBeth (578) `00ceilidh (575) Tarty2000 (575) JeesterJ (574)
MidgetMe (573) ATastySub (572) Canonfoder (568) slothfulcobra (567) Kia_Tarj (566)
illuviel (562) Abulurd (561) katfondue (561) alejandropro (561) countz3r0 (559)
WeirdBlueOne (557) ph4k3 (557) MasterGunner (552) katieintheattic (551) zivlok (548)
karnevil (548) HalcyonSpirit (546) Vanguard1219 (545) Nextreme (540) egreif (538)
pcy623 (538) SpaceSamurai (534) Fyda (531) antigodoflife (530) psikot (528)
Cokedupwerewolf (526) OcelotOnABus (525) Anubis169 (524) Teh_Lavos (523) Jillers (523)
Derksmite (521) gadyke (520) spider2010 (518) DJComet (517) Joey5678 (517)
Limond (513) hulyen (512) PatchouliKnowledge (511) Jimtopia (509) BradleyRains (509)
teambates (508) Whaleswt (506) d_garbage (504) Watuhboy (504) Jeggers (503)
meowmixman (501) StormXY (500) White_Flame (500) ultima069 (498) ZeRootOfAllEvil (498)
Kooler97 (498) Redchili23 (498) MashingPotatoes (489) Crystalline (488) Cubizmo (488)
FourthHorseman (487) AnubisofEgypt (486) LegendOfMoriad (484) Tadorskyy (483) Terranon (482)
DessertBus_Mk2 (479) dofworlds (478) iareman (478) Igloomaker (478) SSGT_Paingod556 (476)
spoon101 (473) TSC1 (473) HellJack (471) Syniphas (470) KarmicKnight (470)
Davizias (469) Babamthegrunt (468) rason (468) hiram88 (468) SpaceJump (465)
Lysdexic (464) ZealotGrunt (464) Excelle (464) HelloToast (463) Zaon (462)
Mike0McC (461) Djorel (459) LemmingHead (458) gun101 (458) AshtonC (455)
tankabito (454) elvenspike (454) Octopimpostor (453) ABagOVicodin (452) Alexisonfire96 (451)
Limilim (451) Sckeetch (449) Caliostro (447) aonomus (446) Jasbraman (446)
Spoonynin (446) Trombone_Hero92 (445) OMGAero (443) Imweasel (443) puma6374 (439)
vash2nddonuts (439) Asnone (438) barbako (438) chaoticneutral (436) MarkShallow (435)
dostrow (433) Corrosive_K (432) bananacreampie (431) RandomDude000 (430) Littlebro96 (430)
Tom3po (429) Gidorah222 (427) NSMogav (427) Ranger717 (427) Phantom (421)
Jediteo (418) TopSpot123 (412) curbee (410) Eskiminzin (410) Levi_theDreamer (409)
XXITSBOBXX (408) billsmom (408) dempsas (408) ZephyerDK (407) fettts (407)
lagooned (405) ScottishVoodoo (405) parker4960 (405) kyuen90 (404) GreigKM (404)
PilotBush (403) kirbyface2 (402) Juhnaid (401) spartigus68k (400) twtmc (400)
Zeiva (400) calsite (399) fisk0 (399) easterberry (398) Ebolaivory (397)
unknowngamer88 (397) DnDRoller (397) Satchamobob (396) Firia (396) bevlar (394)
godzpunchingbag (394) batchild (393) LadyNyx (393) Salwiak (391) mograppler (390)

By the way, there were 5417 other nicks.

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 Machalllewis - 1293 UberTaco - 1183 badgersprite - 1239 badgersprite - 2712
2 badgersprite - 1132 Nevrmore - 1175 Snowfire - 1137 AeroCmdr - 1065
3 cerulgalactus - 936 Machalllewis - 1094 AeroCmdr - 1065 Abcxyq - 1012
4 annemjw - 924 empath - 778 iamafish - 756 Haneburge - 954
5 Lorithad - 875 Hileict - 761 Kroze - 755 Doxcology - 949
6 Kroze - 807 AeroCmdr - 759 empath - 695 vaughn - 843
7 AeroCmdr - 749 OnyxOblivion - 721 RadNewt - 687 AdmiralAlibi - 776
8 strangejet - 726 ojii - 701 Yadda - 602 tak197 - 724
9 WallKick - 630 Checky_Girl - 637 Hileict - 594 lazylantern - 680
10 Nevrmore - 591 ZedAlpha - 591 Abcxyq - 590 Reimu - 659
11 genghisares - 527 cooldaddy3 - 517 ZedAlpha - 587 Kirkygirl - 657
12 Kara - 502 Kreachure - 515 LordNodge - 567 Snowfire - 634
13 roguedarkjedi - 497 CapitainJay - 510 Haneburge - 563 cerulgalactus - 600
14 Abulurd - 456 EchoFox - 500 Piggysama - 548 SilentSwordsman - 596
15 anydayhappyday - 455 tancillaro - 464 AdmiralAlibi - 528 ZedAlpha - 595
16 AgentMonkfish - 442 UndyingReaver - 464 ZackO - 500 TomBrend - 588
17 Glutnix - 433 iwashere33 - 461 Checky_Girl - 479 LuckieDuckie - 585
18 Asellus - 417 Haneburge - 455 ungabunga555 - 474 Piggysama - 579
19 Kyogissun - 415 strangejet - 421 ojii - 469 RvLeshrac - 572
20 CptObvious17 - 415 iamafish - 421 ABagOVicodin - 452 clawmaster2 - 569
21 commanderkeen - 411 LordNodge - 413 cooldaddy3 - 429 alexanderditto - 565
22 Dudeio - 405 Abcxyq - 410 doomchinchilla - 423 roguedarkjedi - 560
23 CapitainJay - 387 Yadda - 406 alexanderditto - 419 tancillaro - 553
24 aburnflags - 383 Snowfire - 400 Lysdexic - 411 Kroze - 550
25 BradleyRains - 380 KlausVonNomnom - 398 andimack - 404 thezeus18 - 550
26 MidgetMe - 376 Velkyn - 393 LuckieDuckie - 401 Genovation - 531
27 iwashere33 - 360 LokiCDK - 382 Right_Bower - 399 pikminfan - 525
28 rendelnep - 357 Dudeio - 366 gameking218 - 398 CaptainFish - 521
29 SpaceSamurai - 354 Skamakazi - 364 tak197 - 395 Shikkakku - 511
30 zivlok - 353 alexanderditto - 355 Nevrmore - 390 gameking218 - 507
31 BJuarez - 352 cerulgalactus - 353 cerulgalactus - 381 Helbent_Revenge - 501
32 ojii - 350 Aki - 349 UndyingReaver - 381 HaudNomen - 481
33 Joey5678 - 346 HellJack - 349 TomBrend - 376 kanimara - 477
34 Quest - 344 ChildRorshach - 345 Veritasiness - 371 Chemistring - 468
35 Derksmite - 342 razord - 343 Shikkakku - 369 TPRJones - 468
36 Garetjax777 - 340 CtMolloy - 342 ultima069 - 368 tentaclemplod - 466
37 Keith_K - 334 Kroze - 341 Levi_theDreamer - 364 mew4ever23 - 464
38 theduckthief - 329 mrv321 - 334 thezeus18 - 352 WeirdBlueOne - 459
39 SSGT_Paingod556 - 316 UberBeth - 318 Nymo - 346 slothfulcobra - 450
40 Sckeetch - 315 Zandi - 311 wartjr2373 - 339 epocalypse - 446
41 Cybren - 310 UndeadYeti - 307 tfaironpirate - 339 TyeDyeSky - 441
42 DessertBus_Mk2 - 308 MrMoldy - 304 elvenspike - 332 Seraphroy - 441
43 AllenLRR - 301 LuckieDuckie - 300 HaudNomen - 330 kkief02 - 436
44 Suffix - 301 annemjw - 298 DerpoFrito - 324 Cybren - 433
45 Elaro - 300 tak197 - 298 roguedarkjedi - 324 Yadda - 426
46 ChildRorshach - 298 luinie - 294 mrv321 - 324 ojii - 424
47 tak197 - 298 epocalypse - 290 EchoFox - 321 wartjr2373 - 414
48 antigodoflife - 295 maealoril - 288 yadaman - 311 bawkbawkboo8450 - 404
49 AdmiralAlibi - 291 Djorel - 283 LemmingHead - 304 meur1234 - 401
50 JoshTheater - 291 NSMogav - 282 Ubermore - 302 Nima55 - 399

Big numbers
Is Ganks stupid or just asking too many questions? 100.0% lines contained a question!
n3rv3 didn't know that much either. 88.6% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was Mattily, who yelled 76.7% of the time!
Another old yeller was Chiunit4evr-1, who shouted 74.5% of the time!
It seems that psikot's shift-key is hanging: 90.9% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:

lamoidz just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 90.8% of the time.
EtobiSfumato is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 2 times.
For example, like this:
     * EtobiSfumato slaps Kitteh_Alex_LRR around a bit with a large trout

Citin can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 1 times.
Poor ungabunga555, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 1 times.
For example, like this:
     * twtmc|only_a_tripimp slaps UngaBunga555 around a bit with a large trout

the seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 1 times.
wmcduff brings happiness to the world. 35.5% lines contained smiling faces. :)
slightlysam isn't a sad person either, smiling 28.7% of the time.
Tempest_Fox seems to be sad at the moment: 20.6% lines contained sad faces. :(
littlee300 is also a sad person, crying 9.5% of the time.
TheHeartist wrote the longest lines, averaging 115.9 letters per line.
#desert-bus-drivercam average was 31.2 letters per line.
Confessamoose wrote the shortest lines, averaging 6.7 characters per line.
Whing was tight-lipped, too, averaging 8.1 characters.
badgersprite spoke a total of 30701 words!
badgersprite's faithful follower, AeroCmdr, didn't speak so much: 23386 words.
whitebusgai wrote an average of 80.33 words per line.
Channel average was 5.83 words per line.

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 would 9076 wildcountryboy
2 Desert 8145 ustreamer-66955
3 Morgan 6685 ValentineAria
4 there 6221 ustreamer-92793
5 awesome 6203 wildcountryboy
6 about 5521 wildcountryboy
7 think 5333 ustreamer-23363
8 should 4735 TomBrend
9 GOING 4538 TomBrend
10 Kathleen 4355 Igloomaker
11 James 3907 IronMan66
12 people 3679 coarsesand
13 Still 3453 Mercsenary
14 Where 3374 wildcountryboy
15 someone 3251 wildcountryboy
16 donate 3052 DnDRoller
17 Doctor 3011 RvLeshrac
18 could 3010 wildcountryboy
19 children 2914 wildcountryboy
20 Everyone 2885 coarsesand

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 A 45454 ustreamer-23363
2 WILL 8183 madAlric
3 graham 6922 ValentineAria
4 Lol 6892 ustreamer-96195
5 Octopimp 5677 ValentineAria
6 Kroze 2394 ustreamer-21404
7 Snowfire 1275 Igloomaker
8 Box 713 fdx
9 Wear 653 CaptFish
10 AW 309 kgazette
11 Chemistring 294 Igloomaker
12 Kara 251 Yadda
13 Per 203 octopimostor
14 Graham_LRR 191 dostrow
15 Japan 190 Scion_Gaijin
16 Jack 160 XiahouHamstah
17 Yadda 142 TomBrend
18 ojii 114 ojii
19 WaffleS 112 ZealotGrunt
20 Quest 108 zad225

Smileys :-)
 Smiley Number of Uses Last Used by
1 :D 2961 Sheisse
2 :) 1898 ustreamer-98371
3 :P 1700 coarsesand
4 :( 1674 ustreamer-4938
5 D: 1010 ustreamer-52073
6 ;) 452 pat
7 :p 333 Sheisse
8 \o/ 144 Archaicorder
9 :/ 143 Flying_Dagger
10 ): 139 ValentineAria
11 T_T 96 Drunut
12 ;P 88 pat
13 -_- 76 stormagnet
14 ;p 74 Accophox
15 ;_; 74 UberBeth
16 :-P 72 Dutch_Guy
17 ;D 58 Wipebolb
18 -.- 36 ChrisTheBrit
19 :-) 35 manika
20 (: 33 Mike0McC

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 237 Tarty2000
2 72 archangeler
3 61 dhsda5rs4dda
4 57 Yadda
5 56 Orannis
6 53 morkal77
7 51 vdshghjg
8 47 yuta
9 45 CptObvious17
10 45 Myrgon
11 44 DmitriW
12 44 Yofu
13 40 onefifth
14 35 puma2373
15 34 POL_TIMBER-1
16 31 Machalllewis
17 30 CptObvious17
18 29 Merc354
19 28 CptObvious17
20 28 rehpotsirhic

Other interesting numbers
Yadda wasn't very popular, getting kicked 11 times!
For example, like this:
     *** Yadda was kicked by TomBrend

roguedarkjedi seemed to be hated too: 9 kicks were received.
TomBrend is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 140 people!
TomBrend's faithful follower,, kicked about 102 people. donated 2 ops in the channel...
Kroze was also very polite: 1 ops from him/her.
Wow, no op was taken on #desert-bus-drivercam!
Strange, no halfop was given on #desert-bus-drivercam!
Wow, no halfop was taken on #desert-bus-drivercam! donated 81 voices in the channel... was also very polite: 78 voices from him/her.
No voices were taken on #desert-bus-drivercam!
AdmiralAlibi always lets us know what he/she's doing: 636 actions!
For example, like this:
     * AdmiralAlibi claps

Also, TomBrend tells us what's up with 572 actions.
Kroze talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 9 times!
Another lonely one was DerMangold, who managed to hit 1 times.
KlausVonNomnom couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 6 joins during this reporting period!
zechi has quite a potty mouth. 1.3% words were foul language.
D4rkLigh7 also makes sailors blush, 1.1% of the time.

Latest Topics
Welcome everyone to Desert Bus III: Desert Bus VI in Japan! This is the Desert Bus Drivercam (CHANGE YOUR NICKNAME with /NICK and then typing your name) | LESS THAN THREE HOURS TILL DA BUSSIN BEGINS! 7 days ago at 15:13 by Kroze
Welcome everyone to Desert Bus III: Desert Bus VI in Japan! This is the Desert Bus Drivercam (CHANGE YOUR NICKNAME with /NICK and then typing your name) | NINE HOURS TILL DA BUSSIN BEGINS! 7 days ago at 07:04 by KrozeHammer
Welcome everyone to Desert Bus III: Desert Bus VI in Japan! This is the Desert Bus Drivercam (CHANGE YOUR NICKNAME with /NICK and then typing your name) 8 days ago at 13:10 by Kroze
The topic was set 3 times.
Total number of lines: 486238.

Stats generated by pisg v0.73
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 00 minutes and 40 seconds